Well, the HUBS is back home, and that should mean more time for me to blog and build because I have some relief from childcare . . . but instead . . . I'm sure you know what I'm talking about. He wants me not to work so hard, to go fishing, to have fun. And I try to explain to him that fun for me is being productive. A day at the spa for me is like Grace sitting in a timeout chair. So anyway, plans are going to be short and sweet, because the roses are in bloom and the RAM says I need to stop and smell them . . . well, not in those words, it's more like the fish are biting and I need to stop and catch some fish. But I only like fishing when it's to fill the freezer, not just to see if I can catch one, and then throw it back.
I've been meaning to blog this plan for some time, because many of you have wrote me saying you love this Cubby Organizer from Pottery Barn, and I'm sure many of you have accumulated quite a scrap pile. I choose to build this plan out of 1x6s for a 5 1/2" deep cubby, but you could of course make yours 3 1/4" deep if you are knee deep in 1x4 scraps (which many of you probably are after building the outdoor furniture).
The trick with cubbies is it's easy to work yourself into a corner and have nowhere to nail or screw from. Here's what's important to take not of: the bottom is the only part that needs to be securely fastened in place. The top can be just glued in place. Think of it this way, if you have a object forcing the cubby divider out of position, the force is probably on the bottom of the divider, and not the top. And you would be surprised at how many things you buy are actually glued together. So get some good glue, and let's get started!
I really liked and was inspired by the Pottery Barn Cubby Organizer, but I made this design slightly larger because, if you can, you should always make good use of your boards and minimize your scraps. So the dimensions are slightly larger. And also, you can use 1x4s instead of 1x6s to build this.
And this is what Lindsay already built! What a great place to store fabric :)