Finally, today, I got to go out to the garage and make some sawdust. And I'm so excited to share with you my next project . . . but the paint is still drying. So in the meantime, I thought I would take on what I do believe is the longest standing plan request . . .
This project is quite a big one, both time and size wise, so we'll break it into steps. Also, that enables someone who might just want the base as a baby changing table or buffet to build that plan,
or someone who wants just the base and secretary hutch (under a window perhaps?) to combine those plans,
and then of course, someone who wants the whole piece to have at it . . . piece by piece.
This is an advanced plan, so please don't tackle this project as your first project. It's not so much that you can't build this, it's more a problem of precision. The larger a project is and the more pieces that work together, the more precise you have to be. For example, let's say your base is just slightly off square, and your secretary hutch a tad crooked in the opposite direction. . . when you go to put the two not perfect pieces together, you are going to have noticeable problems. So be cautious about tackling a big project with lots of pieces until you are confident in your ability to build with precision.